I haven't blogged for a long time, but that was not because nothing has happened in my teaching life; on the contrary, things have been very busy and action-packed.
I am going to try to get back into the habit of regular blogging, so I am starting today with a short post about the fact that our younger students have all moved to a different platform now. This is because of the changed age restrictions on Blogger, which have meant that our Manaiakalani cluster has migrated to Edublogs for most of the students. Our Year 12s and 13s will continue to use Blogger until they finish school and then all our students will be on Edublogs.
At the moment, I am intending to keep my own blog here, but that may change in the future.
Not the Ninja Turtles!
My Year 11 students are currently studying Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet. We started by exploring the historical context of the Renaissance and learning about life in Elizabethan England. As part of this, the students investigated some famous Renaissance artists and made a short slide show to present what they found out. You can check out some of the student blogs from the links here on my Year 11 class website.